Ability to "Kick" Live DJ streams, manage encoder password.
Broadcaster's that have remote DJ doing shows request the ability to remotely stop the stream if the remote DJ forgets to turn off the encoder or run over their allotted set times.
Comments: 24
20 Jul, '18
jerryupvoting this one. i have no idea what the backend is but if centova based, exposing some basic management tools would be huge. i can kick but if on an autosetting it's all timing and hope. :)
22 Mar, '19
JB RaccoonDefinitely upvoting this! I just had it happen to me overnight, ended up calling that DJ to get them to disconnect
02 May, '20
Jeff Hamaker MergedFrom time to time and for whatever reason it is necessary to change the password to the encoders. This should be a given feature.
25 Aug, '20
Jayson TannerSimiliarly if there's a technical problem, such as a song skipping forever (which should never, ever happen), we need a way to turn the stream off from the dashboard and hopefully skip over the song that's doing it (for whatever reason). But it shouldn't ever happen in the first place.
10 Sep, '20
Philip Admin"Ability to change the password for the encoders" (suggested by Jeff Hamaker on 2020-05-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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19 Oct, '20
A2Z RadioAllowing us to kick a rogue streaming session should be a top priority.
28 Oct, '20
Wendy LewisI need help trying to record and scheduled time to go live it keep saying it's all ready schedule so if anyone one can help me please fill free
28 Oct, '20
Wendy LewisHelp with going live and schedule the time it's driving me crazy
01 Nov, '20
ElaineThis is a key control, nuff said
05 Dec, '20
GTYes, the ability to change the stream password should we have to "let go" of a DJ would be nice. Also be able to kick the current live DJ off the stream. Basic Admin controls :)
27 Jan, '21
Mark MergedHello everyone,
After receiving the response to my last ticket/question, I considered then what my next option is to be if I am to have remote "Editors" doing radio shows off-site, with the concern that they may not properly log-off their LiveDJ access. (guidance below). My request is then to have some form of 'override' put in place that I can access to retain control of the station. What can we do to have something like an "override" put into place. This appears to be a very large concern.... Thanks
"NOTE: Once your remote DJ is finished with their session, they must "turn off the encoder" (disconnect Mixxx, BUTT, etc.) to allow any subsequent DJ to launch their show, or to allow your regular programming to resume. This means that the previous session "must be disconnected" by the DJ prior to another DJ launching their show. " -
10 Mar, '21
Mark Mergedfrom your Support website, you've listed the following:
NOTE: Once your remote DJ is finished with their session, they must "turn off the encoder" (disconnect Mixxx, BUTT, etc.) to allow any subsequent DJ to launch their show, or to allow your regular programming to resume. This means that the previous session "must be disconnected" by the DJ prior to another DJ launching their show.
I'm requesting that there be a remote disconnect feature made available to the Administrator to disconnect a remote "Editor" DJ for a number of very practical and security-related reasons. -
13 Mar, '21
channing williams MergedI think it would it would be nice if we could generate our live DJ password meaning each DJ has their own password.
So let's say you have a DJ mixing when he/she finishes the password is generated so the next user has a different password to log in with. -
17 Mar, '21
DJ Chuck CPassword change and be able to generate would keep shows running smoothly. Please make this change happen asap.
24 Mar, '21
Ionut Sarghi Admin"generate license key" (suggested by Channing Williams on 2021-03-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Mar, '21
Ionut Sarghi Admin"Remote disconnect of Live DJ" (suggested by Mark on 2021-03-10), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Apr, '21
Ionut Sarghi Admin"LiveDJ access allowed to remote "Editors" and the need for an override." (suggested by Mark on 2021-01-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Jul, '21
GreggI had the same IP address logged in 26 times the other day. I quickly banned it, but the ability to manually KICK OFF the 25 others is not available at this time.
27 May, '22
Jarrett TennisThis needs to be a top priority. There is no real reason we should be sharing a master password for our station with every DJ. There should be separate encoder accounts for each DJ with priority setting as well as the ability to disconnect an encoder. Barring that, at least being able to change the password at will should be able to be done by the end user as opposed to having to contact support.
12 Jun, '22
Jeffery Tackett MergedI would like a way to stop our encoder from the Live365 Dashboard so that I can turn radio program on remotely when receiving an event while away from my computer with the encoder.
15 Jun, '22
Ionut Sarghi Admin"Stopping Encoder" (suggested by Jeffery Tackett on 2022-06-12), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
27 Oct, '23
David SmedleyAnother vote for this. The ability to see an IP address of a connected encoder would be very handy!
13 Sep, '24
Allen D. Tate MergedThe "user invites and roles feature" is a much appreciated addition to Live365. As a station owner however, I think it would be much more useful if each DJ was given their own unique stream password rather than each station having one password. I don't know how other station owners handle things but at my station, I remote in to their workstations with DW Service and set up their encoders & statistic relays because we do not hand out the master password. When the time comes that a DJ leaves or is removed from the station, we have to request that the master password gets changed and I have to do the process all over again for each DJ. It would be fantastic if I could just revoke a DJ's credentials and be done with it.
09 Oct, '24
Clif M. Admin"Give Individual DJs on Each Statio Unique Stream Password" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-09-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.