"weighting" a track in AutoDj
i'd like to be able to tag the media as something like: low rotation; medium rotation; high rotation. the end goal would be i want a "classic" rock song not played so much but new rock we're focusing on played a few times a day or up to a given amount. i can make playlists to accomplish this but it could be a good feature for autodj as well if not too difficult to implement.
#This can be done via ClockWheels currently so educational opportunity. - Shawn
Comments: 13
09 Nov, '18
Thomas CallahanThis can be done now with Clock wheel - it's been very successful and rewarding for me. Tom
05 Aug, '19
USA Dance MixI'm still getting certain songs that are played too often. Weight would most likely correct this.
18 May, '20
Trevon MergedThis star rating would help Auto DJ know which songs to play more often than not, giving people with multiple genre stations an easier way to manage current tracks. These ratings could also be selected per category for each song. For example, if a song has more than one category, the first could have a 5 star rating, while another would have 2 stars. I picture this rating in a dropdown menue, which displays a rating choice for each category the track has.
25 May, '20
Philip Admin"a 1/5 star manual rating system which determines how much a track is played in Auto DJ" (suggested by Trevon on 2020-05-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
24 Oct, '20
Lindsey Alexander (Mr.) MergedWith Christmas approaching, and in keeping with the 'Christmas Vibe'...AUTO DJ should be
'CALIBRATED' to play 2 or 3 tracks...an HOUR!
Can you adjust the system for a specific 'CHRISTMAS CATEGORY? -
29 Nov, '20
Urban Suite MergedWould love to be able to control tempo pattern while using Auto DJ, such as not allowing more than 2 ballads to play back to back. The option to add tempo characteristics to tracks would need to be available. Would also love to restrict certain songs from playing in certain hours in Auto DJ.
24 Mar, '21
Phill Admin"ability to play 2 or 3 tracks, in 1 hour from one specific music category." (suggested by Lindsey Alexander (Mr.) on 2020-10-24), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Mar, '21
Ionut Sarghi Admin"Tempo control and song daypart/Auto DJ" (suggested by Urban Suite on 2020-11-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
19 Oct, '21
GreggI too am getting songs that are playing too often. It's strange when you have 400 tracks in a category and the system decides to play one that it just played 2 hours ago again. I would appreciate having a track weight feature.
02 Dec, '21
Mark MergedThis is important so that an organized line-up of several station ID's can play in the order sorted/desired (and so that the same station ID doesn't play several times in a row.
09 Dec, '21
Ionut Sarghi Admin"The ability to sort-order several station ID's so a planned, line-up of these can be arranged." (suggested by Mark on 2021-12-02), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
13 Sep, '22
Mike Smith MergedIt would be nice if tracks had a feature to set a skip frequency to allow less rotation in the random selection. For example, Song 1 through Song 10 all have the same change of playing random, but this new feature would allow "x" number of times to skip before the Song is randomly played again. Song 3 may have the "Skip" value of 3, so it would play on the 4th time it was randomly selected.
The reason for this is some songs that I like to have in rotation do no deserve the same rotation "weight" as other songs. -
25 Oct, '22
Ionut Sarghi Admin"Set Rotation Frequency for Tracks" (suggested by Mike Smith on 2022-09-13), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.