Editing Events without Deleting Event
To be able to edit a scheduled event without having to delete the event and re-enter the info.
Comments: 7
17 Sep, '21
Angelita Sanders Bellamy MergedWhen creating an event once it is created you can not click on it prior to time for it to run to edit a time or song or whatever.
27 Sep, '21
Ionut Sarghi Admin"The ability to EDIT in events instead of having to delete and start over when creating a new event" (suggested by Angelita Sanders Bellamy on 2021-09-17), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Dec, '21
Partick EpsteinSame sort of issue. I wish there was a quick fix to go from STRICT to FLEXIBLE without have to redo my entire event for that month.
12 Aug, '22
Keenan CopeningLive365 used to have this feature on the old dashboard, where you could edit any scheduled program multiple times. I'm not sure why it was removed.
09 May, '23
Andrea LB MergedThe ability to refresh/update an event or playlist after adding to it instead of continuously playing from the system or playing from the current playlist already in place.
02 Jun, '23
Ionut Sarghi Admin"Update/Refresh option when adding songs to playlist or adding a playlist to Events" (suggested by Andrea LB on 2023-05-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Jun, '23
Anthony LamondeThis would be very helpful to us when scheduling events. We have shows that change multitracks weekly, but they run at the same time every week.