Show the approximate length of a Clockwheel when building

4 votes

Your systems can see each track located in each of the categories we've set between Music, Talk, ID, Promo, etc. All those tracks are a certain length to them, which you also have in your metadata.

It would be very helpful if you could use that song length information to provide us average times for the clockwheels we are building. Understanding that you don't know exactly which song will be programmed in any given hour, but you could do the math to total up the total number of tracks in a category and divide it by the number of tracks which would give us an "average time" of a track in that category. Armed with that information, it would be much easier when you are building clockwheels to understand whether you are very long or short in any given clockwheel.

Is this a feature that you'd consider building to enhance clockwheels?

Rob Alfano

Under consideration ClockWheel Suggested by: Rob Alfano Upvoted: 24 Jan Comments: 0

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