Better Error Handling / Helpful Errors
Mistakes happen. Sometimes a music track inadvertently gets assigned as Talk or other kind of media type and if scheduled as an Event can cause issues with the Event to air and also affect future Events.
Update the error handling to be more helpful
Comments: 14
26 Jul, '18
Bogdan Admin MergedWhile we allow tracks to be played more than once, it might be a good feature to have a pop-up error display when a user adds a track that is already in the playlist.
27 Jul, '18
Rick 97.3 The ARC MergedThis is a great idea and one I thought of as well when I accidently uploaded a folder twice and duplicating the songs. During the upload process there should be options like:
Upload Options:
IMPORT MODE: (Select One)
Skip an existing track
Overwrite an existing track
Simply looks at the Artist - Title and if it matches an existing track, it performs the selection above.
Not case sensitive: My Artist - My Song, my artist - my song, MY ARTIST - MY SONG -
17 Sep, '18
Progressive Rock AZUSA MergedAs long it is a "warning" and not an error message. You might want a track duplicated it there is enough DMCA separation.
03 Jul, '19
Paula Stotts MergedHave a duplicate warning message appear if you're adding a duplicate track to a playlist.
14 Aug, '19
Philip Admin Merged"Duplicate warning on playlists" (suggested by Paula Stotts on 2019-07-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Aug, '20
Maggie Giamalvo MergedOne way to help ensure tracks aren't duplicated in a playlist would be to have the option of removing it from the available tracks list once it has been added. This option was available in the previous Live365 site and I used it every time I built a playlist. It's especially helpful if you have a big song library.
22 Jul, '21
Dennis Hasslehoff MergedWe are human after all and your current automation is set to switch to RANDOM AUTO DJ if even one
file in a category is tagged incorrectly. Instead of just skipping that file and allowing the scheduled event to continue as planned.
Please I'm asking you to consider changing this. I've had a group of 18-40 files fail because one of them was accidentally tagged differently.
You would never drive a car off into a ditch just because the check engine light is on.
I hope you will consider this change. It seems like many of your rules are not very user-friendly. -
10 Oct, '22
James Jacobs MergedI'm having the same problem. Right now, IF I suppect that I have duplicated a track, I have to go throuth the whole playlist to find out whether I did or not. Would be nice if it would tell me when I put a track in that I had already added that track.
18 Oct, '22
James Jacobs MergedI used a different system for a long time and when I downloaded my playlist, it had a link that said "delete duplicate tracks". If there were 2 tracks alike, it would delete one of them. It also had a "sort" link where you could sort the playlist according to the title, artist, etc.
You could go down the list and find duplicates that way also. They would be grouped together. On the AutoDJ playlist, if you have a couple of thousand songs, it is almost impossible to find a duplicate.
Also, you can't just download the list of songs into the AutoDJ playlist, you download the songs, then you have to go through the songs and select the ones you want to keep. Making a playlist takes a long time. I just download the songs I want to keep so I have to select all the songs. I can only download 100 songs at a time and select 30 at a time.
Maybe there is an easier way to do this but I don't know what it is. -
25 May, '23
Walter Gatlin MergedHello folks. Do you folks know of a better way to place songs in a playlist and remember which songs are in a playlist? Is there any chance Live365 could highlight the songs already in a playlist so that song is not put into a playlist multiple times? I am making multiple playlists (4 hr, 6 hr, 8 hr), and keeping track of the songs in each one is tasking. Also possibly giving a warning when a song is also included in another playlist. Thank you.
02 Jun, '23
Ionut Sarghi Admin Merged"HIghlight songs already in a playlist." (suggested by Walter Gatlin on 2023-05-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
17 May, '24
Bobby Richardson MergedPlease help on this matter. Change or alterations to this rule would help. If a category is mis-tagged (or another issue), instead of kicking it to "Random",just skip the "issue" or song, promo, ID, sweeper etc.
25 Oct, '24
Clif M. Admin"More room for error in ClockWheel AutoDJ" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2021-07-22), including upvotes (3) and comments (1), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Oct, '24
Clif M. Admin"Playlist duplicate track warning" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2018-07-26), including upvotes (77) and comments (9), was merged into this suggestion.