Live365 Broadcaster Feature Requests

Welcome to the Live365 Broadcasters Feature Requests log!   Our goal is to build the best platform possible to help all our broadcasters. To help make sure we are building the features you specifically want to see, we opened up this public feature requests log. This gives you, the user, the ultimate power because you now decide what we build next! Please submit any features you'd like to see built in this channel and be sure to vote on the ones that are most important to you. The features that get the most votes will become priorities for our development team during the next sprint.

Post-roll Message at end of session duration limit

when the maximum session time is reached, the listener hears a pleasant message instead of silence. This way, they know it's not a technical problem. The message ...
Suggested by: Bogdan (26 Jul, '18) Upvoted: 04 Oct, '23 Comments: 6