Gap Killer / Silence Detection
Will Live365 be incorporating a "Gap Killer" anytime soon... those couple seconds of dead air can really hurt a station's listening viewer count as listeners may log off.. Im pretty content with live's scheduling and autodj software but a gap killer would make it even more better without having to use a 3rd party automation software! Please Get Us A GAP KILLER!!!
Comments: 12
17 Sep, '19
SteveYes, this is a need!!!!!!!
28 Oct, '19
DennelThis was one of the complaints I recently issued to you guys. To me it would seem like a "common sense" issue not
to have "Gaps" in between tracks because it doesn't make the station sound professional. And for the reasons
"Mixx 716" described. -
25 Jul, '20
SakeBitoA flipside: I may be an oddball, but I hate crossfading and I add silence to both the start and finish of each song. Every person has his own style, but to me it's about respect for art. Every second of a song is integral to it IMO, and plastering one on top of another is unthinkable - a couple seconds' silence between songs is a needed "gear shift".
1 -
01 Oct, '20
Lindsey Alexander (Mr.)most definitely please!...Makes a smoother sound to the overall performance.... 'dead air' sounds less professional. Thank you.
12 May, '21
Alex VDefinitely need
06 Aug, '21
Mike K MergedSuggesting increasing or providing customization options for the default 10 seconds fallback to AutoDJ time when a Live365 station is running from a relay source. Currently, if the relay streams silence for 10 seconds, the source will fall back to AutoDJ which is not ideal in my use case.
It would be ideal to have the option to customize the time it takes for a silent relay source to cause a fallback on the AutoDJ source.
The relay reconnection time once the source gets out of silence should also be configurable. Currently, it can take up to 2 minutes to retry the connection. -
06 Oct, '21
KevinThe problem with a "gap killer" is this: how much "gap" are you talking about between songs? 1 second? 2 or 3? Which number does Live365 pick? Then what about songs that have a second or 2 or 3 somewhere in the track? You can see what would happen. The best way IMO to eliminate "gaps" is to trim your songs and use the crossfade option. That would give you MUCH more control over your broadcast than a generic "gap killer".
27 Oct, '21
Ionut Sarghi Admin Merged"Add a 5 second initial retry to the relay software" (suggested by Mike K on 2021-10-01), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
10 Jul, '22
Mike K MergedAt a minimum, reducing the 2 minute wait before trying to re-connect would be very helpful. The default should be more like try to reconnect every 5 seconds.
05 Oct, '22
Mike K MergedIt is an absolutely trivial software change to reduce the default retry time to 5 seconds instead of 2 minutes. For 2 minutes, listeners hear whatever song is playing on the Live365 AutoDJ, and then in the middle of that song, it switches back to the relay.
If anything, why not send an email to the handful of customers using the relay feature and ask them whether a 2-minute delay before trying to reconnect is something they desire? Please consider making the simple software change to reduce the delay as soon as possible. -
01 May, '23
MK MergedThe most important aspect of this "design flaw fix request" is to allow us to reduce the hard-coded 2 minute delay before trying to reconnect to the source (whether the disconnect occurred from silence or from a network drop event). The default should be more like 5 seconds and not 2 minutes!
Btw, adding support for "HLS streams for ingest" would mostly eliminate these unprofessional sounding 2 minute outages. The main advantage of HLS audio streaming is that it "provides a mechanism for players to seamlessly reconnect and download missed audio, so that a short loss of connectivity or bandwidth will not disrupt playback". It's the ideal technology for relays. -
28 Oct, '24
Clif M. Admin"Relay fallback suggestion" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2021-08-06), including upvotes (14) and comments (4), was merged into this suggestion.