Live365 Broadcaster Feature Requests

Welcome to the Live365 Broadcasters Feature Requests log!   Our goal is to build the best platform possible to help all our broadcasters. To help make sure we are building the features you specifically want to see, we opened up this public feature requests log. This gives you, the user, the ultimate power because you now decide what we build next! Please submit any features you'd like to see built in this channel and be sure to vote on the ones that are most important to you. The features that get the most votes will become priorities for our development team during the next sprint.

AutoDJ: Queue up songs in real time, take requests

I would like to see the Auto DJ have a playlist area where you can drop a random song in. For example: I get a Facebook message from a listener who wants to hear ...
Suggested by: The1Essence Radio (11 Oct, '18) Upvoted: 08 Jan Comments: 22
Under consideration AutoDJ Tools for Broadcasters

AutoDJ - Scheduling multiple clockwheels for AutoDJ

Currently, we can only schedule 1 clockwheel to be used for AutoDJ. Although we can prepare multiple clockwheels to be used, this does require changing the clockwheel ...
Suggested by: Kay Cook-Abbott (17 Jul, '23) Upvoted: 01 Jan Comments: 0
Under consideration AutoDJ ClockWheel

AutoDJ Separation Rules

Increase the maximum duration for separation rules from the current 240 minutes in AutoDJ.
Suggested by: Leonard Mancini (16 Sep, '18) Upvoted: 30 Jul, '24 Comments: 16
Under consideration AutoDJ Tools for Broadcasters

Station ID's after ad breaks in AutoDJ

My jingles are playing and going into the commercial break, can there be a setting where the jingle will play coming out of a commercial break?
Suggested by: Cedric (06 Nov, '18) Upvoted: 26 May, '24 Comments: 6
Under consideration AutoDJ Tools for Broadcasters

autodj preview of "next song"

would be great if on my dashboard under what *is* playing i can see what is coming up from autodj. perhaps set a queue of 3-5 songs that autodj has and at any given ...
Suggested by: jerry (20 Jul, '18) Upvoted: 04 Jun, '22 Comments: 3
Under consideration AutoDJ Education

Insert 1 track on the fly

ability to insert 1 track during an AutoDJ or playlist session. This could be to customize the stream for listener requests, or perhaps just as a way to allow the DJ ...
Suggested by: Bogdan (26 Jul, '18) Upvoted: 13 May, '24 Comments: 4
Under consideration AutoDJ

Longer Separation Duration

More Track separation durations or allow custom input (days, hours, minutes) This would allow higher track libraries to rotate more evenly by extending the "rest ...
Suggested by: Austin Miller (19 Feb, '22) Upvoted: 21 Jul, '23 Comments: 1
Under consideration AutoDJ

AutoDJ picking songs to fit time remaining until the next scheduled event starts

I would like to have the AutoDJ pick songs to end at or as close to as possible the strict start time of a scheduled event instead of cutting a song off.
Suggested by: Jean-Paul Yovanoff (21 Apr, '21) Upvoted: 20 May, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration AutoDJ Tools for Broadcasters

A Real-Time Clock for AutoDJ

It would be great to have an actual clock display of when Auto DJ anticipates playing the next track. This would help when transitioning to Live broadcast. The ...
Suggested by: Lee (22 Jul, '18) Upvoted: 04 Apr, '22 Comments: 0
Under consideration AutoDJ UI/UX

AutoDJ auto-resume after encoder disconnect

I'd love to see AutoDJ recognize when we go from live to autodj. It most of the time has a very "jerky" sound and then usually starts in the middle of a random song. ...
Suggested by: Steven (14 Sep, '18) Upvoted: 12 May, '21 Comments: 1
Under consideration AutoDJ Tools for Broadcasters

Fade from AutoDJ to Scheduled Events or Live streaming

Currently when "Strict" timing is selected when creating an event AutoDJ makes a hard transition into the event. The same when a live stream is started. Is there a ...
Suggested by: Brian Chenkus (06 Sep, '24) Upvoted: 15 Oct, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration AutoDJ

Consecutive Station ID’s

I had a 55 minute talk program that dropped off into autodj to complete the hour, and 6 station ids played in a row. 6 ids is great to fill a whole hour for me, but ...
Suggested by: John (03 Sep, '24) Upvoted: 03 Sep, '24 Comments: 0
Under consideration AutoDJ Events